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Inkheart by Cornelia Funke

Title: Inkheart
Author: Cornelia Funke
Genre: Young adult, fantasy
Published in: 2003
Age suggestion: Any age
Spice-o-meter: Spice free
My rating: 4 out of 5

My thoughts:
I wanted to read this book because I remember starting it as a kid and never finishing it. I am glad I finally picked it up to reread it! It was a bit slow at the beginning, which is why I rated it a 4 out of 5, but once I got into it more, I was hooked. I finished over half of the book in only three days during my breaks at work. Overall, I'm super happy with this book and I am looking forward to reading the other two books in the trilogy now.

This book was about a 12 year old girl named Meggie who was whisked away on a journey following her father being kidnapped. Since she was raised by only her father, a man who repairs old books for a living, she wanted nothing more than to rescue him after he was taken away. She discovered a whole new world that was, literally, only a few printed words away. She is faced with a villain that was from another world who wanted to conquer Meggie's world. In this story, Meggie learns about the power of herself, her family, and the people around her.

This book may be for you if you like:
  • Young adult reads
  • Fantasy
  • No spice
  • Books about books
If you ever want to relive your childhood, look in the children's section of the bookstore! This took me on a very fun journey back to my middle school reading years and I'm so glad I picked this up.


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