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(Yet Another) Recent Book Haul


Hello everyone!

I wanted to hop on here to post about my recent book haul. It was another small one but I'm still super excited about everything I've bought recently. Today, I made another trip to Barnes & Noble (which is always a dangerous adventure for the wallet, even if it's good for the soul). I was able to pick up some books I've been eyeing for a while and I can't wait to read them! Currently, I'm reading Neon Gods by Katee Robert on my Kindle, so I have to finish that before I move on to any of these, but I still wanted to post about them.

At Barnes & Noble, I was able to pick up the last copy they had of A Court of Thorns and Roses, which I've been wanting to read for a while now. I think I may have said this before on my blog, but I am not usually drawn to fantasy books and I'm trying to get into reading them more. This one just interested me due to the number of people who are obsessed with this series. I want to try reading it. I only picked up the first one because I want to see if I like it before I continue buying the rest of the series. I almost bought it on my Kindle instead, but I decided I wanted a physical copy of this one.

I also picked up another Sarah J. Maas book, the first of the Crescent City series, House of Earth and Blood. It's another one that I have heard amazing things about, and I'm very drawn to thick books. I was super excited to see a copy of this sitting on the shelf, since it's another one that is often sold out at stores I visit.

I was also able to pick up the next two books following Before the Coffee Gets Cold because I absolutely loved that book. These should be two more quick reads for me and because of how much I loved the first one, I'm sure I'll love these as well.

Another recent book purchase I made was this copy of Powerless by Lauren Roberts. I stumbled upon this book from TikTok when a video posted by the author appeared on my For You page. I bought the book immediately. I love supporting TikTok authors, especially when it's their debut novel like this one. I rushed to Amazon and had to buy it right then. It sounds like it will be an interesting read, plus the reviews on it are amazing! I think this one might be my next read after finishing my current read.

I also grabbed another book I discovered through TikTok this morning, but it was available through Kindle Unlimited so I am just borrowing the copy from there. It is called A Field Within by T.C. Solomon. I can say this for sure, the way to get me to buy your book is to make a heartwarming TikTok video about "this person worked on this book for years and they check their sales on Amazon every single day". I will download that book, guaranteed. I may even buy a physical copy. It depends on the book - usually the prettiest covers win the contest between a physical copy or a Kindle book.

I hope you're all having a great weekend and I look forward to posting my next review! I am hoping to have a positive review the next time I post instead of one like the last one. We won't talk about that one. I will say that I will likely not post a review on Neon Gods because it is much like other romance books I have read previously and I want to have a bit more variety in my book reviews.

Thanks for reading my blog! I hope you have a great rest of your day.


P.S. I am going to Portland, Oregon in less than a week and will be visiting the famous Powell's bookstore! Stay turned for a post about my adventure (and probably another haul).


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